Bluefish Bohemian was born...
For as long as I can remember, "Handmade" has been apart of my life. My mother was always engaged in crafts and dad also worked most of his life with his hands. Through them, I developed a deep appreciation for fine handmade goods.
It started when I was little and developed a fascination for mud pies. There was something I loved about that tactile feeling of forming sloppy, wet, muddy shapes with my hands. From there Mum & I explored sewing, knitting, and countless other crafts. Many years later, I returned to "mud" - with clay building and creating wheel-thrown pottery.
After several years at being a potter, my focus changed to having and raising a young family. (A pregnant belly doesn't fit too well in front of a pottery wheel!) Three boys arrived within 3-1/2 years. Pottery and playing in mud would have to wait...
Eventually I began to miss the corporate world I had been apart of most of my life. I discovered a jewelry line I could offer that allowed me to still be a mom first, but gave me the business and sales interactions that I so enjoyed. For 8 years I owned a direct sales jewelry business, while raising my young children. I am forever grateful for the wonderful clients and friendships that formed as a result.
In recent years, I felt creativity calling upon me once again and chose to return to the more artistic spirit of my roots. Trusting in my business and sales experience, and a lifelong love of fashion, I returned to the joy of Handmade: this time through jewelry making and design.
I started making bracelets for fun but soon realized there were not enough wrists in my circle of friends-and things were accumulating! I decided to follow my passion and Bluefish Bohemian now includes earrings and necklaces, while sales have reached across the globe.
The materials used are carefully sourced from all over the world. There is a great passion for the hunt and an even greater satisfaction with a unique find. Inspiration is drawn from the beauty that surrounds me on the West Coast of Canada, including the mountains and the sea, and the unique and precious materials that I find in my pursuit.
Thank you for browsing the site. Everything is made and designed with love, care, and attention to detail. If you have any questions, please contact us.
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